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Unpacking environment, social and governance for businesses.

ESG is finding a new level of importance as expectations placed on businesses shift, making it imperative for businesses to embrace ESG now more than ever. The reasons are two-fold: there are both legal requirements, as well as non-legal motivations to embrace ESG or risk a range of consequences. Let us support you on this journey to sustainability.

Our team works closely with clients to identify and develop ways to integrate ESG-related solutions into business as usual, with the goal of benefitting clients, their shareholders as well as the communities they operate in. We want to ensure you not only legally comply with ESG requirements, but also strengthen your position in the market.

From issues relating to climate change, environment, human rights, supply chains, directors’ duties, anti-bribery, corruption, native title, Aboriginal heritage and work health and safety – the list goes on – we have the myriad of issues covered.


  • We have provided holistic advice to boards on a wide range of ESG obligations.
  • Our team has advised large organisations on compliance with modern slavery legislation and compliance requirements, including development and implementation of policies and procedures.
  • We have informed directors on director’s duties and corporate social responsibility obligations of businesses in respect of climate change.
  • Our experienced lawyers advised a conservation group to object to a certification of a fish species under the Marine Stewardship Council regime. This included consideration of the EPBC Act threatened species lists and processes, and engagement in the objection process including making submissions to an independent adjudicator.
  • We advised a waste and renewables client on mandatory reporting to EPA for contamination, compliance with EPA licences (including consideration of surrounding guidelines and policies) and environmental protection policies.
