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Trusted advice from an industry leader.

Selling, purchasing, developing, or leasing property? No matter the deal, our experience will be your best asset for property transactions and disputes. We’ll help you achieve your commercial, industrial and residential property goals.

Our property team has been the trusted adviser to major South Australian businesses and high-net worth individuals for more than 20 years, and our exceptional reputation has afforded us the privilege of collaborating with our clients on significant projects.

We have advised and represented clients on all types of property transactions, from commercial buildings, residential property, shopping centres and hotels, rural property, and major industrial and development projects. Practical solutions and sound commercial advice are central to getting the best deal for you and your business.

Your business will also benefit from our ability to draw on technical and strategic services in a range of general corporate and commercial areas – all of which help our property and developer clients achieve their goals.


  • Acquisitions and disposals, including due diligence
  • Contract preparation and advice
  • Infrastructure and construction (including road, water and social infrastructure)
  • Leases and licences for retail, commercial, industrial, resources, solar and wind farm sectors
  • Finance, funding and security
  • Land divisions and amalgamations
  • Environment and planning
  • Water rights and entitlements
  • Tax advice (including land tax and stamp duty)
  • Conveyancing
  • Syndication
  • Broadacre development projects
  • Government relations
  • Land management agreements
  • Encumbrances
  • Easements and access rights


  • We have prepared complex contracts with landowners for long-term developments, infrastructure agreements and planning and development arrangements with local councils.
  • A major local manufacturer trusts us with its land and resources tenement acquisition activities, some of which were valued over $100 million. This includes all legal due diligence investigations, advising on transaction documents and transaction completion.
  • We assisted a significant waste management business with the sale, leasing and development of major land assets including iconic industrial land developments in South Australia.
  • We facilitated the sale and purchase of winery and vineyard assets for clients including private groups and listed companies.
  • We acted for a major developer in the creation of iconic tourism assets in South Australia.


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