Business Franchise Australia features DMAW Lawyers' Seva Surmei - November 2023
DMAW Lawyers' franchise law expert Seva Surmei features in Business Franchise Australia with her article "Landmark Review: The Future of Franchising In Australia".
In her article, Seva discusses the federal Government's review of the Franchising Code and highlights some of the areas of the Code which are expected to be addressed, and provides a useful recap of recent changes to the Code and the effect these changes have had on franchisees, franchisors and suppliers across the system.
You can access the full article here via the Business Franchise Australia website.
Seva was recognised in The Best Lawyers in Australia™ 2024 for work in Franchise Law.
Seva was also named "Lawyer of the Year" by Best Lawyers® for Franchise Law in the Adelaide area in 2024 and 2022, an accolade which is only awarded to a single lawyer in each practice area and jurisdiction.
Franchise law
Franchising is a complex, yet powerful tool for business growth. Starting a franchise is a big decision, and if you’re already a franchisee or franchisor, you’ll have jumped through plenty of legal hoops. Partnering with expert franchise lawyers like us can make your journey manageable.
Our franchise lawyers represent both franchisors and franchisees with Adelaide-based, national and international operations in a range of industries, including financial services, real estate, hospitality and retail. We are a trusted long-term adviser to many iconic Adelaide-based and South Australian franchisors, regularly assisting in-house legal teams, risk and compliance teams, management and boards with their operational needs and significant projects.
How can we help?
Our franchise lawyers represent both franchisors and franchisees with Adelaide-based, national and international operations in a range of industries, including financial services, real estate, hospitality and retail. We are a trusted long-term adviser to many iconic Adelaide-based and South Australian franchisors, regularly assisting in-house legal teams, risk and compliance teams, management and boards with their operational needs and significant projects.
If you’re a start-up franchisor, we’ll advise you about establishing franchise structures, and produce all the documents needed to commence your franchising business. We’ll also help you comply with the Franchising Code of Conduct and other specialist laws.
Your business will further benefit from our ability to keep a close eye on any proposed and significant legislative changes. Our franchise law experts will keep you informed about how those changes may impact your business, suggest preventative action and recommend how to comply with new laws.
Contact Seva to find out more about how our franchise law team can assist your business.
Seva Surmei
- T +61 8 8210 2243
- M +61 421 931 777
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