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Indigenous legal system representation bolstered through appointment of Australia’s first ever Aboriginal Supreme Court Judge

DMAW Lawyers would like to congratulate Wurranga man Lincoln Crowley on his appointment as Australia's first ever Aboriginal Supreme Court judge. In a great step forward for indigenous representation in the industry, Justice Crowley was sworn in at the Banco Court in Brisbane earlier this week.

This success comes after Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's recent victory speech, acknowledging the traditional owners of the land and promising on behalf of the Labor government, to commit "in full" to the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

The Uluru Statement from the Heart asks for a constitutional change introducing a process through which the Australian government will work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives when making decisions, so the whole country is fairly governed.

As a firm, we believe indigenous representation in the legal system (and parliament) is vital for Australia to move forward as a fair and just nation.

In support of this, we are proud to have launched our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan in September 2020, marking the beginning of our long-term contribution to engaging in and promoting reconciliation.

We are committed to supporting greater justice and equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as well as deepening our respect and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, values and cultures.

"In the end, justice is what it's all about: always was, always will be." - Justice Crowley, 2022.

Further developments to our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan for 2022 and beyond are currently under way.

Wurranga man Lincoln Crowlely being sworn in as Australia's first ever Aboriginal Supreme Court judge.