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Bernice is our chief executive officer.

She has a strong business background, with a particular focus on people management, spanning in excess of 20 years. The majority of her experience has been in professional services environments.

Bernice has previously worked in Adelaide and Sydney, and has prior management experience and responsibility for staff located interstate and overseas. Additionally, Bernice has experience working as part of a global team with key contacts based in the USA and the UK.

Her core functional areas of remit and oversight at DMAW Lawyers include:

  • financial management;
  • human resources;
  • marketing;
  • IT;
  • premises and procurement;
  • compliance; and
  • strategy.

Bernice works closely with both lawyers and support staff across the firm and reports to the Board of directors.

  • Bachelor of Business
  • The International HR Practitioner
  • Master Facilitator
  • Dare to Lead™
  • Graduate Management Program