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Admission - Congratulations Abby-Rose Hill

DMAW Lawyers congratulates Abby-Rose Hill on her admission as a Solicitor in the Supreme Court of South Australia.

Abby started with the firm in March 2020 in a part-time office services role during her studies. In her time with the firm, Abby has gained skills and experience in office services, as a legal admin, law clerk and law graduate, to set her up for success in her career as a lawyer. Abby works in our transactions team under the guidance of principal Chris Floreani.

Congratulations Abby! We look forward to seeing what more you accomplish in your career with DMAW Lawyers.

A young woman standing in front of the Supreme Court of South Australia holding her admission certificate
A young woman holding her admission certificate standing next to a solicitor in robes, in the Supreme Court of South Australia

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