Experts in corporate, transactions and disputes, our lawyers have extensive experience in and understanding of the sectors in which they work. No matter the industry – we’re your partner in business.
Nicole Mead discusses current difficulties being faced in supply chains, and the importance of establishing and maintaining ethical supply chains, including in relation to modern slavery risks.
A recent decision of the South Australian Employment Tribunal highlights the potential workers compensation liability risks associated with sending employees on business trips. Paul Dugan and Kylie Dunn explain.
Peter Kupniewski, Chris Floreani, Nicole Mead and Mario Pegoli outline some key developments in the energy, resources, and environmental sectors, including important updates coming out of the Federal budget.
As cyber security continues to be an increasing area of risk and focus for businesses, businesses should consider what cyber-risk management strategies and systems are currently in place. Lachlan Chuong explains.
On 10 February 2022, the Federal Government passed new legislation (per the Corporations Amendment (Meetings and Documents) Bill 2021 (Cth)) (2022 amendments) that amends the Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act) to expand...