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DMAW Lawyers feature in ALERA (SA) June 2023 Quarterly Newsletter

Congratulations to Paul Dugan, Kylie Dunn and Lachlan Chuong for being featured in the ALERA (SA) June 2023 Quarterly Newsletter with their articles "To keep or not to keep - Retention of Employee COVID-19 vaccine information" (Page 13) and "Recent Federal Court decision reminds businesses that employees much be asked whether they want to work on public holidays" (Page 15).

Check out their articles in the newsletter via the Industrial Relations Society of South Australia website.


Our workplace team advises and represents clients in all areas of employment and industrial law, from day-to-day advice to support on specific issues.

We’ve helped our clients achieve their goals by structuring commercially effective workforce arrangements which protect intellectual property, confidential information, business contacts and goodwill. We also advise on disciplinary issues including misconduct, performance management, workplace grievances, bullying and discrimination, and have assisted with confidential legal investigations.

Our strength is in understanding your operations to provide tailored, practical and commercially sensible solutions.

Contact any of our experts to find out more about how we can assist your business.


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